Sunday, October 20

Servant x Service Episode 7 Highlights and Thoughts

I’m loving this anime! Each episode brings something new to the table that keeps the show interesting and spontaneous. This episode didn’t deviate from my expectations whatsoever. We get to understand the relationship between Ichimiya and Chihaya better as well as learn about the mysterious grandson Tanaka and his connection to Hasebe. Watch out! Spoilers ahead! Let’s get into the highlights of this episode!

It begins with Chihaya having a bit of fun with Toko, as she dresses her up into one the magical girls that Chihaya fantasizes about. We get to learn that Chihaya honestly likes both of them for different reasons, and that Toko is not just a conduit for Chihaya to get to Ichimiya. I sympathize a lot with Chihaya, it seems like she’s dating quite the airhead. It’s nice that they give us a little bit of their office romance (which isn’t very steamy unfortunately) and lets us in to their dynamic. That’s something I really like about this anime, it doesn’t skimp on letting us know more about all the different characters it features. We learn a bit about all of them every episode.

The second half of this episode introduces us to old lady Tanaka’s grandson. He’s a very responsible A type banker, and doesn’t seem too bad to look at either which is a plus for Miyoshi. Unfortunately he also has a score to settle with Hasebe, which eats up all of his interest leaving none for Miyoshi (or maybe a few scraps) but perhaps there’s more to their romance than meets the eye? Here’s hoping! I’d like to learn more about Miyoshi, I bet they’re going to delve further into her character so it’s something to look forward to in the upcoming episodes!

So that was another enjoyable episode of Servant x Service, which is one of my top picks for this anime season. It’s definitely up there as a josei title, I would group it in with many of the others. It’s lighthearted enough to make funny jokes but also serious enough to get us honestly involved in the characters. There’s a lot to look forward to, and I’m anticipating episode 8 which is out next week! This episode left me with more questions than answers so I hope they get answered soon!

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