Sunday, October 20

Love Lab Episode 6 Highlights & Thoughts

This episode was another fun one as we got introduced to 2 more characters, both who are mysteriously connected to Riko. The episode doesn’t have much focus on the other characters, (Suzu, Enomoto and Sayori are barely in it) but it’s nice to learn about Riko and her history with boys (and moreover learn about her credibility, or lack thereof!). Spoilers are ahead and with that out of the way, let’s talk about the episode!

The episode begins with Riko’s morning, we get to see her family life with her brother and mother. It seems like both of them give her a hard time. They both claim she’s not feminine, but I disagree! Either way we get to learn that she’s been rejected in the past. Maybe we’ll get to learn about this later on the show? Maybe not? Who’s to say yet. It is interesting to know that she has bad luck with guys, making her lies to Maki all that more potent. Either way I’d like to know more of her past, so this episode is a nice addition to her story.

We find out about her old soccer teammate Satoshi who once confessed to her. Unfortunately for him, Riko doesn’t even remember this! She does end up remembering him though, although with age he’s changed and grown up a lot. I guess back then he didn’t really matter to her, but who knows if we’ll see him pop up again later on in the story. It seems like he has unfinished feelings with her.

Maki also gets her moment to shine (although she’s really confused by the whole situation). A boy calls her cute! … Just to call her stupid? Will he pop up again as well? Probably. It seems like those two definitely have unfinished business. I do think he’s going to cause more frustration than happiness however. Unfortunately for Maki, this episode isn’t really about her so the moment is short lived. I’d like to have Maki find her first boyfriend though, she’s so determined! It’s cute to see that she’s not forgotten in this episode.

The episode ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. If you remember from last episode there was a cliffhanger ending involving the school newspaper. Wonder what happened? Well they remind you right at the end of this episode. A bit strange as I thought that’s what this episode was going to be about. I almost completely forgot about that from last week’s episode until they kindly reminded me! I hope this finally gets explored as this could get all the girls into a lot of trouble if they get exposed. Somehow I know everything will work out for them though. For Riko though? She might take the fall on it, who’s to say? I’m anticipating next week’s episode for sure.

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