Sunday, October 20

Genshiken Nidaime Episode 6 Highlights & Thoughts

Another episode of Genshiken Nidaime, another episode with some funny moments, but unfortunately not much really happened… Anyone else feel this way? We get to know a bit more about that weirdo Kuchiki but otherwise what do we get out of this episode? Well let’s recap to see where this episode has gotten us. Warning spoilers ahead! With that aside, let’s get to the episode.

The episode begins with Ogiue sympathizing for Hato’s sake. She learns about how Hato embarrassed himself at the Comic Festival, so she does what any good sempai would, she reveals something equally embarrassing about herself. She reveals some Sasa x Mada drawings she made. On another note, why does everything suddenly have a thing for Madarame? He was so dweebish and a big otaku in the old show, he was very funny and likeable, but he’s supposed to be undesirable. I don’t get it really. Maybe as a mature man he’s captured their hearts? On second thought, probably not.

With that aside, Hato experiences a bit of tension with some boys who show up at the club room. Yajima is at a loss to help her so who else appears but Yoshitake’s older brother! Make that sister… who Yajima almost fell for! It seems like they wanted to play a joke on the others but it didn’t last for long. She’s actually Yoshitake’s younger sister who’s still in high school. I imagine she’ll be a returning character at some point, whether it be cosplaying or otherwise. She doesn’t dress as a boy because she likes to, but merely to trick the other girls there.

The episode ends with the two Yoshitakes trying to peek on Hato showering, just to have Yajima be the one who ended up getting a full frontal. Her embarrassment is pretty funny. I’d like to see the show explore her motivations a bit further, I think she’s got a lot of personality and potential to explore. Who knows what the future will bring! And that wraps up the episode, pretty uneventful, not much character development but rather a quick introduction for a potential newcomer. I hope we get to explore other characters and learn something new about them, but only time will tell on that one.

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