Sunday, October 20

Servant x Service Episode 9 Highlights & Thoughts

I apologize for missing last week’s episode! I didn’t have time to watch it on time, by the time I watched it it had been out for a few days and a highlights post at that point seemed a little pointless. That aside I’m here to highlight episode 9 for this week! This week was very lovey dovey as we got a look into Chihaya and Ichimiya’s relationship beginnings, as well as a touching moment from Hasebe to Lucy. Spoilers ahead! Let’s talk about the episode.
In the intro we get to learn a bit more about the relationship between Chihaya and Ichimiya, more specifically why someone so frustrated remains smitten. It seems like Ichimiya has a good heart and recognized Chihaya early on from when she started working as a temp. Although the moment is subtle and quick, it seems like she’s in it for his good heart (although he still gets caught up in his sister’s antics). I’ve grown to like Chihaya a lot as she seems like a very capable person and handles her emotions well (even though she has bursts of anger directed at Ichimiya every now and then, but who doesn’t get that in their relationship once in a while?).  I like their dynamic and it was nice for the quick side story, I’d like to see more of their relationship before the season’s over.
There’s also a subtle moment where Chihaya and Lucy are shopping for Lucy’s date with Hasebe. We finally get a little relief from Lucy’s insecurity as Chihaya tells her to think better of herself. This allows Lucy to realize that Hasebe’s affections are more genuine than she would have previously believed. And like the moment between Ichimiya and Chihaya, it’s a subtle line that will really transform Lucy’s character and help her to develop a lot. I think that’s what gives Chihaya oomph to her character, her moments are subtle but powerful. It’s nice to see her character mingling and affecting this flamboyant cast.
We also learn a bit more about Tanaka, more specifically that Kaoru finds him funny. We learn that he’s been persistent with everyone who has a connection to Hasebe (so Lucy is not special in that regard). I find his character very confusing; it seems like his obsession with Hasebe is a bit on the homosexual side. As strange as that sounds, he’s centered a lot of his life around trying to beat Hasebe, so much so that he is willing to have meaningless relationships to prove something to him and ‘ultimately help him’. His character is unsettling and confusing on the whole.
Lastly we get the most enjoyable moment of the episode. Miyoshi tricks Hasebe into believing that Lucy is getting married (her motives unknown, perhaps she agrees with Tanaka on the matter?). Anyways, we end up with a distraught Hasebe which is a big contrast between his usually cheerful self. It ends up being a misunderstanding as it’s really Kaoru his sister who is getting married. Hasebe admits to only needing Lucy as a contact in his phone as she is the only girl he needs, and it leaves Lucy flustered and happy. Now we know their upcoming date is going to seal the deal for Hasebe. Even despite Hasebe’s playboy demeanor he has these endearing lines that make him very likeable. I’m awaiting their eventual get together (hopefully factors like Tanaka don’t get in the way!).
So that was this week’s episode. Full of love and happiness! Each character was highlighted for their strengths this episode so it was nice to see how endearing each character is. I’m awaiting the next episode as it will most likely feature Hasebe’s and Lucy’s date. Anyone else excited for Lucy’s outfit? Until next week!

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