Sunday, October 20

Servant x Service Episode 10 Highlights & Thoughts

Tonight’s episode was a bit of a disappointment to be honest. After all the tension and excitement from last week’s episode I was expecting this one to take that forward to this week’s, but alas we get an episode that feels more like filler than anything else. Spoilers ahead, let’s get on with it I suppose.
Chihaya Confesses to Toko

The episode begins with Chihaya telling Toko about her relationship with Taishi (Toko’s brother). But that plan goes half baked as Toko falls asleep and remains oblivious to it all. What we end up with is an endearing scene where the two fall asleep together and we learn that Toko is studying hard for college… and not to be a civil servant? I guess Toko’s got bigger plans for herself, and that’s nice to see. It’s unfortunate that Toko’s character isn’t well developed yet. This scene seems to allude to something we may learn about later, and I’ll be looking forward to that. We all know there’s more to Toko than meets the eye. Her strong will hasn’t shown us enough of the lengths she’s willing to go to for her brother, or really those she cares about. I’m excited to see just what she’s capable of.
Tanaka Breaks Down In front of Miyoshi

Did we forget about this guy? I’d like to. He’s after Hasebe again but Miyoshi squashes his plans of confronting his friend for the billionth time. When those plans fall through he decides to apologize to Lucy by taking her to dinner again. This gets him a quick scolding from Miyoshi claiming his actions toward everyone aren’t atonement but rather self satisfaction (way to lay it on him Miyoshi!). Isn’t that pretty much his lifestyle as it stands anyway? It appears like she hit a nerve as she’s going to dinner with him. I’m curious to see how this develops as I think it’s in Tanaka’s character to give up on Hasebe if a woman is involved in his life, but who knows. Either way their pairing is entertaining.
Kanon Around The Office

So Kanon, Toko’s friend from school is killing time around the office waiting for her friend and runs into some hijinks among the staff. It’s about a 5 minute segment of jokes and pretty much nothing else. I guess it’s nice to see the Magical Flowers cast animated (and so cute!). But otherwise it’s a lot of filler that kept me waiting for something exciting to happen. This could be their attempt at including Kanon’s character a bit more as she really has no role in the show but the segment is unnecessary and does nothing for her. Oh well!
A Bunny Manager Exposed

We learn that the section manager’s identity as a stuffed toy has been a secret to Toko and must have been one for a number of years now (I’m surprised they’ve pulled it off for this long). But by accident the secret is out and we get a comical moment of her freakout. She deludes herself into thinking they’ve gone crazy and that perhaps she was being too mean to everyone and thus caused their breakdown (highlighting her self-centered nature). It’s really just another segment of this episode that had no real bearing on anything. Perhaps the fact that the section manager is Kanon’s father and the fact that Toko does not know this could add some weight to her friendship with Kanon, but it’s not any big deal to anyone really (and I doubt will have impact). Why with all the pointless office antics? I can’t say much about this as there isn’t anything to say. The moment is what it is.
So there were a couple of developing points this episode highlighting Chihaya and Miyoshi with Tanaka. Other than that we get an episode highlighting a strange day in the office and not much else. With 3 episodes until the end of the season can we say this wasted air time is warranted? I don’t think so. I imagine next week will be back on track with the office romance and drama but with this episode throwing me for a loop it’s hard to say what I’ll be expecting. Either way I’ll be watching it.

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