Sunday, October 20

Review of Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)

For any josei anime fan I’d recommend this anime in a heartbeat. It’s got day-to-day life, romance and friendship, as well as some great music! If you’ve watched Nodame Cantabile don’t miss this anime, you will love it! That aside, let’s get into the review…
We’re introduced to Kaoru, the typical nerdy quiet high school kid. He’s had trouble making and keeping friends in the past so he’s hesitant to get to know anyone. You know what’s coming for him, of course he meets an eccentric schoolmate named Sentaro who loves playing drums and causing trouble. The two are opposites, but in this scenario opposites attract and they soon become friends. What brings them together you might ask? Music. Jazz music. This anime is set in the 1960’s when jazz was a popular and unconventional style of music (especially in Japan). Music and hardship push this show along as their friendship meets a head at the end of their high school careers. With romantic interests like their shared friend Ritsuko, it has all the elements of a daily life drama that also has a fulfilling and optimistic message. The show has a solid foundation that makes for an enjoyable series. It has a realistic tone that makes the story feel real, and for those out of high school, it’ll make you remember how you felt about friends and love all those years ago.


My favourite aspect of the show has to be the friends Sentaro and Kaoru, how they change and become men, breaking down their walls and having a friendship that’s so believable you feel like you’ve met someone like them before. I  personally enjoyed the character of Sentaro over the character of Kaoru, although the two were necessary together. Sentaro takes on a lot of responsibility towards his family, and lashes out in bursts of violence because of how he interprets protecting those he cares about. I love how he changes, although the more serious he gets, the more tragic he becomes. He’s very relatable for those who take on more responsibility than they should because they protect those they care about. Kaoru on the other hand is analytical and pensive, but as the show progresses he relaxes and fills out into the man he wants to be. Although I don’t personally grapple with the problems Kaoru faced throughout the show, I feel like he’s the best kind of best friend character, he’s loyal and kind, and becomes someone any girl could imagine herself being with. Speaking of girls, I unfortunately did not enjoy the character of Ritsuko. She played more of the girl there for the relationship dynamic than anything else. This would make you believe this show is more geared towards young men, I would however disagree because the story is relatable no matter the gender. I wish her character had more development or at least more personality than the sweet girl next door. Her failings aside, the two best friends make up for any lack of character development on Ritsuko’s part.

So what more is there to say? The music element that chimes in every now and then throughout the show is where the show shines. I started learning guitar near the end of my high school career and I know how strong music can be for bonding friends together. A jam session with friends is one of the most fun and unique experiences you can have. Moving beyond that, the music itself is great, and you’ll find yourself smiling along as the characters play together and present songs like My Favorite Things with a jazzy twist. The music is truly a delight.
This daily life music drama is enjoyable start to finish. It gives you an ending that feels complete and real, you might walk away wanting more but I don’t think the show could have ended any other way. I’m giving this anime a 7.5 out of 10. It loses some points on the fact that it doesn’t grip you like some animes do, but is a delight to watch regardless. Check it out if you like a daily life story that feels real, it’ll keep you reminiscing about your own teenage years and have you wonder about how your high school friends affected your young adult career.
Thanks to Lullaby of Birdland for the screencaps.

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