Sunday, October 20

Genshiken Nidaime Episode 7 Highlights & Thoughts

This episode had a lot in it compared to last week’s episode. Each character had good screen time and we even get a little bit of Sasahara at the beginning! We also get some more fanservice cosplay! Cue in Ohno as Bayonetta! (Such a good game) We also finally get into Ogiue’s head a little bit, which has been well needed as she’s almost never around. Spoilers ahead! Let’s get into the highlights of this week’s episode.

The show starts with Ogiue proposing a magazine for this year’s school festival. SHOCK NOT COSPLAY THIS YEAR?! It’s a welcomed change to the series actually. Unfortunately the girls don’t work well solo or together on this it seems. We also see that perhaps the stoic Ogiue is a bit jealous of Hato’s drawing skills because Ogiue hasn’t been well received publicly for her manga publications. So instead of working solo on a project Sue suggests that the two work together for the magazine. This could work out well for the two of them, would they have a future publishing together? I’d like to see where they take this cooperative effort.

We also get a small tidbit of Yajima’s past; it’s about a small crush she had in high school. Although it’s not much, it’s nice to see her character as the center of attention for a little bit. Could this be a teaser into perhaps a reappearance of Mr. Mystery? It would be very fun if it is foreshadowing something. She doesn’t steal the spotlight for very long though, as it shifts to Yoshitake grilling Hato about his high school romance.

Hato of course is hesitant to give anything away, as it opens up old wounds. I imagine we’ll learn of this mystery romance sooner or later, Yoshitake’s probably too nosy to let this story go. Luckily Hato is saved from spilling any details by Kuchiki’s appearance. Who knew that guy could come in handy? We also get one of the funniest moments from this season so far. *Below*

Yoshitake is hilariously devious. It’s also funnily true, despite its horrible implications. Anyone else laugh out loud at this moment?
So that was episode 7! It was a really great episode that left us with a lot of questions, but I’m sure what happened will segue to some answers very soon (or at least by the end of the season). The teaser at the end of the episode showed that Madarame’s coming back next week to give us some more romantic tension. Why do I still feel funny saying that? Anyway, I’m anticipating next week’s episode, this week gave us a lot to look forward to!

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