Sunday, October 20

Genshiken Nidaime Episode 5 Highlights

This series gets more and more interesting as we go along. This episode definitely had me excited for the next one! I didn’t expect Madarame to become such a prominent character but it seems like he’s becoming more and more important to Hato-kun as well as the plot in general. If you’re worried about spoilers then don’t read ahead! This post will be covering the general plot of the episode along with my thoughts about what happened. I haven’t read the manga so I’m just going based off of what I’ve watched thus far.

The gang is off to the Comic Festival again but this time they’ve recruited some of the old guys with them. Despite the resurrection of these club veterans they don’t seem to have a big influence on the direction of the story, it seems only Madarame has a bearing on the plot by his presence. This is all because of Hato-kun who seems to be quite involved with his life. It’s obvious he likes Madarame, but he’s reluctant to admit it to himself. The other side of it is that he wants to see Madarame happy, which is an endearing thing to do so we as an audience want to see a happy ending come of their friendship/relationship?

Hello fanservice! Madoka Magica cosplay in one of my favourite animes this season? It’s nice to see that they’ve done this, and it makes for a fun episode that balances out the seriousness of Hato-kun’s problems. Too bad Hato-kun didn’t cosplay! He was supposed to be Madoka. It would’ve been cute to see a group, so I share in Kanako’s tears. However, I never thought I’d see Yajima cosplay like this!

I love the references to current pop-culture. On the note of these characters cosplaying, I find Angela’s presence a bit silly. Her character has no depth, and she doesn’t seem like a believable character at all. I know she’s a temporary character but I wish they wrote her a bit better, maybe the manga rectifies this better? Also a personal gripe, why don’t they get native English speaking voice actors for their English characters? I understand that they’re probably few and far between but as a Canadian watching this, I cringe just a little. The funny nonsensical English conversations do make me chuckle though.

I’d like to see how Hato-kun deals with Madarame so I’m looking forward to the upcoming episodes. Something I’d like to see more of though if the other characters! I wish they’d develop them further, it seems like the anime is mainly focused on Hato-kun (as made obvious in the opening). However, more of Madarame because of Hato-kun is never a bad thing. Madarame is awesome!

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